oil painting
Chinese painting

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 #1401 Tiger, by Wu Jinghao, Chinese Painting $1600.00
 #2702 Mainz , by Liu Xiping , Chinese Painting $1600.00
 #10401 Poem of Du Pu, by Kasen¡¡Sumiya, Calligraphy $1800.00
 #9801 Autumn, by Gao Qingquan, Watercolour Painting $1800.00
 #9802 April, by Gao Qingquan, Watercolour Painting $1800.00
 #10402 Chinese Calligraphy, by Kasen¡¡Sumiya, Calligraphy $1800.00
 #9702 Lankshore, by Prof. He Qitao, Watercolour Painting $2000.00
 #9701 Prince Bay in Hangzhou, by Prof. He Qitao, Watercolour Painting $2000.00
 #2801 Flower, by Prof. Guo Zhihong, Oil Painting $2000.00
 #9202 Upstairs, by Prof. Wang Xiaohui, Chinese Painting $3500.00
 #2902 House, by Makiuchi Hiloshige, Japanese Painting $4000.00
 #9201 Downstairs, by Prof. Wang Xiaohui, Chinese Painting $7500.00
 #6801 Three Sea-gulls in Black and white, by Song Mingyuan, Chinese Painting $8000.00
 #1101 River and Gorge, by Dr Sun Mingcun , Chinese Painting $8000.00
 #6803 Five Sea-gulls in colors, by Song Mingyuan, Chinese Painting $8000.00
 #6802 Three Sea-gulls in colors, by Song Mingyuan, Chinese Painting $8000.00
 #10903 Echo Vale, by He Guanlin, Oil Painting $30000.00
 #10904 Rivulet, by He Guanlin, Oil Painting $30000.00

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