oil painting
Chinese painting

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 #1604 Birds and flowers, by Liao Junhong, Chinese Painting $600.00
 #1301 Lotus, by Li Hui , Chinese Painting $600.00
 #0803 Banana, by Li Yan, Chinese Painting $600.00
 #0802 a Time in May, by Li Yan, Chinese Painting $600.00
 #0801 Flowers and Birds, by Li Yan, Chinese Painting $600.00
 #1501 Old Friends, by Zhao Gencheng , Chinese Painting $600.00
 #3505 Bamboo, by Zhao Xianwen, Chinese Painting $600.00
 #10302 Mountain, by Prof. Sun Youting, Chinese Painting $600.00
 #1902 Cath¨¦drale Notre Dame de Paris, by Prof. Yang Xiaomao, Watercolour Painting $700.00
 #1901 Ancient Rome, by Prof. Yang Xiaomao, Watercolour Painting $700.00
 #10301 Landscape, by Prof. Sun Youting, Chinese Painting $750.00
 #0301 Lady in Purple, by Prof. Wang Xiaoping, Chinese Painting $800.00
 #9001 hiking, by Hu Bing, Chinese Painting $800.00
 #0302 Two Girls, by Prof. Wang Xiaoping, Chinese Painting $800.00
 #0401 Memory of Hometown, by Wu Haizhou, Chinese Painting $800.00
 #0402 Late Summer, by Wu Haizhou, Chinese Painting $800.00
 #0602 Country life near White Dragon Lake, by Prof. Xie Dingchao, Chinese Painting $800.00
 #0905 Lodge, by Chen Bin , Watercolour Painting $800.00
 #0902 Tibet girls, by Chen Bin , Chinese Painting $800.00
 #0901 Girls in winter, by Chen Bin , Chinese Painting $800.00

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