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 #8901 African antelopes, by Gafalee, Lacquer
 #8801 Modern People, by Lee Young Dok, Statuary
 #8501 The Other Side, by Portalis, Statuary
 #8401 City Speed, by NilsĄ€Kensong, Integrative Material
 #8301 Modern painting, by Rivera, Modern painting
 #8201 des Champs-Elysees, by Patricia Peides, Statuary
 #4902 Seashore in Qingdao, by Prof. Zhang Heyun, Watercolour Painting
 #8001 Calligraphic Inscription for World Art, by Wang Chengdian, Calligraphy
 #7901 Calligraphic Inscription for World Art, by Zhu Ming, Calligraphy
 #7501 Three girls, by Liu Xixin, Chinese delicate painting
 #7401 Years, by Prof. Zhang Yimin, Chinese Painting
 #6901 Boerni, by Kerckhoven, Abstract painting
 #6401 calligraphic inscription for World Art, by Jiang Lu, Calligraphy

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