oil painting
Chinese painting

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 #1905 Scene of Paris, by Prof. Yang Xiaomao, Watercolour Painting
 #3902 Owl, by Prof. Wei Qihou, Chinese Painting
 #3901 Three goats, by Prof. Wei Qihou, Chinese Painting
 #3701 Autumn's Make up, by Prof. Song Fengguang, Chinese delicate painting
 #3601 Masks of Beijing Opera, by Liu Haifeng, Chinese Painting
 #3403 Plum Blossom, by Yu Xining, Chinese Painting
 #3402 Plum Blossom, by Yu Xining, Chinese Painting
 #3401 Plum Blossom, by Yu Xining, Chinese Painting
 #3301 Waving Lotus, by Zhao Jianjun, Chinese Painting
 #0904 Happy Girls, by Chen Bin , Chinese Painting on Silk
 #4201 Dawn, by Ni Ma Zeren, Chinese Painting

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